Top of Texas is a 6 month club. This means that twice per year the club considers and votes on the leadership team. In the Saturday May 31st meeting a quorum of members voted to affirm the slate of officers presented by the nominating committee.
Here are your officers for the terms starting in July 2014.
Jeff Wright will assume the responsibilities of Club President for this next term. Jeff has served as the club Vice President of Public Relations for the last two terms.
Vice President of Education will be filled by DeAnna Wolf. DeAnna has done an outstanding job in the presidents role for the last two terms. As Immediate Past President she will chair the next terms nominating committee.
Sandra Price has served this club in an number of different roles and is one of the clubs six Distinguished Toastmasters. She will continue recruiting new members for a second term as our Vice President of Membership.
Lina Choun will be championing the Top of Texas website and blogging efforts as Vice President of Public Relations. Lina has most recently server as our club Secretary.

Eileen Pacheco is joining the slate of officers as our club Secretary. Eileen is one of our newer members and we are happy to see her take an active role in club leadership.

Anne Brown has done an outstanding job keeping us on the straight and narrow as Club Treasurer. She will continue to serve as our financial genius for the next term.
Ana Ortega is a long time member who has served in almost every club role. She will continue her second term as our Sargent at Arms.
Please join me in welcoming and supporting these officers for the remainder of 2014.
Jeff Wright, CC
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