Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Meeting Recap for August 23rd

We have the most amazing club! Where else can we learn something new and have fun!? Our Toastmaster, DeAnna, carried over the music theme from last week – Elvis Presley – to this week's theme of Michael Jackson. Before the meeting started we listened to one of Michael Jackson's many hit songs - 'Wanna be Starting Something.' I thought it was an interesting choice of songs given that she was trying to 'one-up' last week’s meeting. I wonder if this will start a trend? It is definitely something for all of us future Toastmasters to ponder. During her role as Toastmaster she incorporated many of his song titles in her transition between roles – it was very well done.

Marshall delivered an informative speech about Dyslexia. He started the speech with a quote "You wouldn't wish dyslexia on a child of yours. Or would you?" He explained what dyslexia is, its causes and effects, and explained that many entrepreneurs are four times as likely to be dyslexic then the rest of the population. He included his personal experiences with dyslexia and answered questions from the audience as part of his objectives. He answered the questions honestly based on his knowledge and we all now know that some of the myths we hear about dyslexia are not true.

Jeff's speech was about becoming a distinguished club. He talked about the Leadership and Communication Track, and what the different acronyms stand for. He talked about our club's meeting specific goals in order to qualify for the distinguished club award and his handout provided us with information on the Distinguished Club Program goals. With so many new members in our club, the timing of this speech was perfect!

Ken introduced the word of the day – emulate – to try to equal or excel, to rival. The Table Topics portion of the meeting had fellow Toastmasters telling us about plans for surviving a zombie apocalypse, charitable causes, and awards to be won.  We did not give out a best table topics ribbon, but we did give out a best speech ribbon to Jeff and a best evaluator ribbon to Aparna.

Anne Brown

Friday, August 22, 2014

The Public Speaking Gene

Scientists have searched in vain for years to find the gene for public speaking talent. (Okay maybe not, but stick with me please.) They labor in vain because it doesn't exist. There is no such thing as a born public speaker.

Deliberate practice is the path to greatness in any field.

If you desire to build your skill set as a speaker, then Toastmasters is the perfect place. The organization provides you with the three of the four elements you need to succeed.

1. Solid curriculum built with ever increasing levels of challenge as you work the program.
2. An environment where it is safe to deliberately practice your developing skills.
3. Friendly support and encouragement.

The fourth element is up to you. Commit to working the program. Struggle through the assignments that push you outside the comfort zone. Before you know it, the speaking gene will be found to exist in you.

Jeff Wright, ACB, CL

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A Rockin' Good Time

Before Saturday's meeting with my favorite Toastmasters club began, we rocked out to some "Jailhouse Rock" while setting up. The theme was "Elvis Presley," so our skilled Toastmaster Jeff warmed everyone up with some tunes. It was a very nice touch. Ana called the meeting to order, and Jeff gave a brief history of The King who passed away 37 years prior.

We had one speaker that morning, Anne, and her speech on Anxiety was exceptional. She provided us with facts on the types of anxiety, how many people are afflicted by it, and some remedies to relieve the symptoms. How appropriate for a Toastmasters meeting! That's what makes Toastmasters unique - it caters to those who are good speakers and want to improve, but also those who dread speaking in front of people to the point of feeling physically ill.  Many in the audience, including myself, know the feeling all too well. Anne, where was this speech sooner? She did an excellent job. Judy gave such a positive, informative evaluation that I, myself, learned a thing or two about how to structure an evaluation.

Table Topics was an interesting one, with our word of the day handed to us by Sandra. Euphemism - a word or phrase used in place of a term that might be considered too direct, harsh, unpleasant, or offensive. Many of us during Table Topics struggled with shoehorning that word in our response, but everyone did it! Shannon's questions were perfect, not too hard, definitely not too easy! Jennifer, our newest member by the way, won with her speech on her only concert experience, but a memorable one, watching Motley Crue. Kudos, Jennifer, especially because if you only go to one concert, I think you picked a good one! But also, because winning the coveted ribbon is an accomplishment especially after attending only a handful of meetings.

DeAnna Wolf, CC, CL

Photo Credit: Dusty J via Compfight cc

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Truly International Organization!

The phrase “international” is used often by corporations when they have operations outside the United States, even if they have one small office in Canada. However, at Toastmasters International, International truly is worldwide! Toastmasters have clubs all over the world with active clubs in China, India, Australia, and any other country that you can think of.

When you join Toastmasters, you don’t just join your local club, you are automatically a member of a worldwide organization of like-minded individuals with a common goal: to improve communication and leadership skills. As a member you will open your horizons to the area, the district, the nation, and beyond.

During our most recent club meeting, member Cindy Hinkley, who is one of District 25’s leaders, shared with the members how she has met and become friends with Toastmasters from all over the world by attending the Toastmasters International annual convention. Cindy is looking forward to attending the upcoming International Convention being held August 20-23rd in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Now that’s international! For the first time in the 83 year history of annual conventions, Toastmasters is holding the convention outside the United States – and it looks to be really exciting and exotic.

Think about this: in what other organization could you travel to many different countries in the world, and each time be able to attend a function with complete strangers that will welcome you because you are one of them? With Toastmasters you can, and many members do. More about connecting with international clubs can be found on the Toastmasters International website, which is where I found the following line which really resonated with me: Members around the world speak a universal language – the vocabulary of Toastmasters.

Ana Ortega, ACB, ALB

Photo Credit: Hadi Zaher via Compfight cc

Monday, August 11, 2014

"Friends" - August 10th Meeting Recap

We had an exciting meeting Saturday with all the elements of a Golden Gavel meeting except one.

Everyone was enthusiastic in greeting each other and our two guests. We were excited to welcome Rey back. Our colorful table tents made the room more festive as DeAnna, our presiding officer, opened the meeting right on time. Our Toastmaster, Shannon, had the meeting well arranged and with only two agenda changes we were off!

As Marshall set up props for his speech from the Speaking to Inform manual, there was some movement in the audience away from the center of the room. Honest, cross my heart, to those of us in the back, it looked like he might be hitting that long ball right down the center aisle! Instead, Marshall showed us all the components of “How to Hit the Long Ball” without ever actually hitting the ball. His speech was delivered and received with enthusiasm as he entertained and educated us.

When Jeff, our scheduled 2nd speaker, was unexpectedly unable to attend, I was excited to have a speech already prepared with handouts and visual aids ready to go! My speech, “Building a Team” from the Leadership Excellence series, had some good ideas we can all use in our growth as leaders. This speech included what the benefits are and how to select, organize and train a team.

With the theme of “Friends” provided by our Toastmaster, how could Table Topics be anything but interesting? Ana had questions that had us all thinking, “Pick me! Pick me!” I enjoyed hearing about how Judy, Aparna and Cindy make, keep and value friendships.

Thomas and Jodie provided evaluations that were both supportive and helpful with relevant and constructive suggestions for Marshall and me.

We began our meeting wrap up with positive comments from our guests Megan and Jessie. Our short business meeting included the information that our club contest is scheduled for September 13th with Anne Brown as our Contest Chair. Contestants and team helpers were encouraged to volunteer. And, at last, ribbons were awarded for the Best Speaker - Marshall, Evaluator - Jodie, and Table Topics - Judy!

You might wonder with such an outstanding meeting what element was missing from a Golden Gavel meeting. We were two members short of the 15 necessary. Kudos to DeAnna for reminding us to check!

Sandra Price, DTM

Photo Credit: SoulSense [Oscar Ordenes] via Compfight cc

Thursday, August 7, 2014

I’m Proud of You, Sun

If you find yourself internally or externally cursing the sun, which is common this time of the year in Texas, stop right there.  This beautiful, shining beacon is truly extraordinary and deserves a little blog space.  Here are some facts that are both enlightening and partially terrifying.

  • Yes, the sun gives us the gift of life, light, climates, vitamin D, etc.  Wow.
  • Currently, about a million earths could fit into the sun.  And it will expand even further.  If the solar system goes undisrupted, the sun will eventually consume the earth before shrinking down to about the size of the earth.  It will also engulf Mercury and Venus as appetizers.
  • Well, at least the sun is just sort of sitting there, right?  Wrong.  It is actually cruising around the galaxy at a healthy 450,000 miles per hour.  Since we are circling that bad boy, we are actually going pretty fast as well.
  • If the sun were to “burn out,” we wouldn't find out about it for about eight minutes.  Just long enough to go locate some batteries.
  • If it were possible for me to stand on the sun, at 200 pounds on earth, I would weigh about 5,500 pounds. 
  • The sun is actually white, but appears yellow because of the earth’s atmosphere.

While it is not important to know random facts about the sun, it is important to broaden your horizons, diversify your base of knowledge, and never stop learning.  Perhaps you might even discover a new passion and be able to connect with more people on this dismal planet.  So, next time you want to stop the fun at some party, rattle off these facts.  Then you, like the sun, will be a big star.

Thomas Kelliher

Photo Credit: Rusty Russ via Compfight cc

Monday, August 4, 2014

Condiments, Condiments, Condiments!

The theme for this past Saturday's meeting was... Condiments!  A very fitting theme since we also had our annual Top of Texas barbecue that day.  Sandra, the meeting's Toastmaster, fulfilled her Facebook promise to let us know how condiments apply to speeches.  She explained that condiments are a type of seasoning and, as they make our food colorful and exciting, they also "add flavor" to our speeches.

DeAnna gave her first speech from the Special Occasion Speeches manual, "The Lady of the Hour."  She toasted Sandra's ability to create a meeting out of nothing while they lounged on a yacht before returning home on a super sonic jet.  Ken gave his seventh speech titled "The Deficit We Have in Our Understanding of the Federal Deficit."  A tongue twisting title for a speech that explained the federal deficit to fellow Toastmasters in layman's terms.  I was awed to hear it would take 32 years to count to one billion and 55,696 years to count to 17 trillion, the amount of the federal deficit.

After the morning meeting, we got together for the annual Top of Texas barbecue.  We mingled, ate some great food topped with condiments, and had an all around wonderful time.  Check out more pictures from the barbecue on our Facebook page!

Submitted by Lina Choun