Our meeting was excellent! I was the Presiding Officer and Toastmaster, so I noted that it is an interesting duty to pass the lectern over to oneself. I picked out a fun theme, Do-It-Yourself-Projects, and if anyone knows DeAnna, they know that when I pick a theme, there is always a twist, this time mine being “When Do-It-Yourself Projects Go Wrong.” I showed everyone wonderful pictures of what a project is supposed to look like, and the disasters that ensued when people attempt them themselves. My favorite disaster was someone’s front porch looking like a murder scene after a red food coloring fiasco.
Shannon Watenpaugh, as usual, delivered a beautiful story from the Storytelling Manual of how the Sparkling Fire Owl got its name. Shannon was timid, Shannon was brave, Shannon was soft-spoken, Shannon was intimidating. Shannon also did not use notes. Shannon, how come you’re not a writer? How come you’re not an actress?
Table Topics was great. The winner, Judy Perez, won with a story of how after looking at a DIY show once on building a bench led to her, from her own imagination and common sense, to create a bench and update a chair. We can learn so much about our fellow Toastmasters just from Table Topics.
I had a great time, the members and two guests had a great time, and I think we all were entertained by everyone’s participation. A guest comment was, “This meeting was a lot more fun and jocular than I expected!”
I’ll see you all next week!
Photo Credit: Victor W. via Compfight cc
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