As another year trucks in and another runs out…let’s analyze things:
This time last year the Dallas Cowboys were on a roll, and we knew if they didn’t win it all, that THIS YEAR (2015) would be THEIR year to go all the way!
Hmm – how’d that work out for us?
And last year, we knew going into 2015 we all felt uneasy about the economy … and going into 2016 it seems like Déjà vu.
But I think I did OK on my resolutions for last year :-) I am of the breed that actually really writes them down, and really tries to stay after them beyond February. I haven’t had that bikini / swimsuit one on my list for several years, it’s easier to just stay clear of watering holes. But I did make some resolutions to continue the journey toward acquiring my DTM (a Distinguished Toastmaster Title) and so far looking at last year, I believe I’ve stayed on course! So what’s in store for you this year?
I asked a few fellow Top of Texas Members what their commitments were for 2016, and I’ve got to say that after hearing others chime in with their resolutions, I’m going to have to adopt some of them as mine too. For instance…Marcus wants to pay off some debt and get back in the gym.
For me, the gym is a debt…I mean, I don’t even know what the gym hours are. Pretty bad. I think I got my gym membership after guilt over a brownie bottom pie. But OK! … This year I’m with Marcus!…the gym will make my list!
If we start going to the gym, just maybe when we give our speeches, people will be so overcome with our super hero physique, they won’t notice our “ums” and "ahs"
. But then that’s what Toastmasters is for; and because one of my resolutions is to become a better leader and speaker, I want to up the ante and vow to end 2016 with my Advanced Leader Silver and Advanced Communicator Silver! (OK, I’ve done it now, it’s in writing for all to see). But I’m serious! Toastmasters is such a great opportunity for all of us to improve, I just need to take advantage of it. I hope we all do!

One of the best tips someone shared with me a few years ago was that in life, we should always work hard at recognizing and overcoming Parkinson’s Law. I’ve found this to be a great tool for Toastmasters when you are trying to settle down to write that speech! Parkinson’s Law states that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” It’s really just a nice way to coin that favorite word we all know -
procrastination. Think about it – how many hours (and I mean LOTS of HOURS) have you spent in your life PREPARING to study, and deciding instead to clean a drawer that has been dirty since the Roman conquest just so you don’t have to sit down and study for that test, read that book, or write that paper? It’s Parkinson’s Law that gives power to resolutions! Really! We have resolutions because we all suffer from procrastination … oops, I mean Parkinson’s Law.
A good friend of mine showed me a trick. If you need to finish up something you’re working on, rather than daydreaming or doing any of a 101 things you shouldn’t be doing that wastes time; (i.e. Facebook, email, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, Groupon, MeetUp, eBay, texting, Spotify, Amazon, Rhapsody, Kindle, Pandora, Instagram, ESPN, Tumblr, IHeartRadio, Pinterest, Fox News, Fandango, MSN, Yahoo, YouTube, Nook, Periscope, WhatsApp, SnapChat, Netflix, Hulu, Vine, Kik, Craigslist, OfferUp, Etsy, Fitbit, E*Trade, Drudge Report, Audible, WebEx, Apple App Store, KickStart, OneDrive, iCloud, Dropbox or just that good ole’ fashioned phone call) …that instead, work to grow conscience about what you ARE doing with your time!!!
Take notice of what's going on and recognize that you’re EXPANDING the time you have to instead fill-up the time so that you will finish what you need to be doing just in time to meet the deadline! That's just BAD BAD BAD!
Stop wasting time, and knock it out ahead of time! How you ask? Simple. Unplug your laptop and work from your battery only.
You now have given yourself a window of approximately 3 hours to finish your work, and you can’t waste time with those 101 things because if you do, your battery will go dead before you finish! Try and finish it before the battery dies, and remember to save often. Hey, it works for me! In the words of Timothy Leary (well sort of) “Turn on, Tune In, Plug Out” I promise you will work faster and get things done!
OK, so if that's as radical to you as Mr. Leary was, then just do a 5 min (no longer) surge thru the house to get the drink ready, the pen, paper, and PC ready..then hide the social devices in the next room to charge, turn off the TV, the radio, put the dog outside, take the phone off the hook, and sit down and start without anything to distract you. If you have kids, tell them you are not to be disturbed or feedings and allowances will cease to exist. Well, maybe that's a little harsh, but make sure they get the point that knocking politely doesn't apply here. Starting is usually the hardest thing for most of us. Set a goal to finish by a certain time that pushes you and don't give yourself any time off for good behavior. Just stay with it and knock it out!
Perhaps we need to make 2016 the year of getting things done. Our country needs it, and we all need it in our lives more than ever with so many apps and devices to distract us. I hope all your resolutions come true, and who knows – maybe I’ll run into you at the gym. If not, I’ll see you at Toastmasters.
Happy New Year!
Ken Dorsey, CC