Top of Texas meetings are always fun and exciting. Last Saturday was no exception. We played a fun game call "Scramble the Agenda" where the object was to rearrange as many agenda items as possible. Seriously, it was nice to see how adaptable we are to change when things don't work out exactly as planned before a meeting.
One of the "on the fly" agenda items added was a round robin evaluation. Lina had the opportunity to practice her speech evaluation skills before the upcoming division contest. After that evaluation, we all were able to provide her with praise for a job well done and with suggestions for improvement. I am sure Lina will represent Top of Texas well at the November 1st Division A Contest.
There were several lessons learned I took from the meeting.
Be Flexible - While we always have assigned roles going into a meeting, these are subject to last minute change. Be willing to step out and take on a role that you weren't prepared to fill. Sometimes the best learning opportunities arise from unplanned events.
Be Prepared - Have a speech in your back pocket that can be delivered spur of the moment. This could even be a half-baked speech that needs further work. Practicing in front of a live audience is a great way to get feedback that makes your speech stronger.
Be There - It can be hard to get up on Saturday mornings. Life happens and absences are necessary. But Top of Texas is an ingredient that always enhances my weekend much like a fine wine enhances a meal.
Jeff Wright, ACB, ALB
Photo Credit: vincen-t via Compfight cc
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