Friday, August 22, 2014

The Public Speaking Gene

Scientists have searched in vain for years to find the gene for public speaking talent. (Okay maybe not, but stick with me please.) They labor in vain because it doesn't exist. There is no such thing as a born public speaker.

Deliberate practice is the path to greatness in any field.

If you desire to build your skill set as a speaker, then Toastmasters is the perfect place. The organization provides you with the three of the four elements you need to succeed.

1. Solid curriculum built with ever increasing levels of challenge as you work the program.
2. An environment where it is safe to deliberately practice your developing skills.
3. Friendly support and encouragement.

The fourth element is up to you. Commit to working the program. Struggle through the assignments that push you outside the comfort zone. Before you know it, the speaking gene will be found to exist in you.

Jeff Wright, ACB, CL

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