Oh what a meeting this was this morning (July 19th)! First, let me start off by saying that one of our former members/location setup/location liaison/gracious hostess Faith Pinto stopped by and stayed for a meeting! For those of our members who do not know, Faith and her husband Dan run the church where our meeting is located, and she has been busy working and going to school, so we wished her luck while she pursued her desire to care for others. Good news, she is now officially a Registered Nurse, and it was such a breath of fresh air to see her again.
Our meeting was excellent! I was the Presiding Officer and Toastmaster, so I noted that it is an interesting duty to pass the lectern over to oneself. I picked out a fun theme, Do-It-Yourself-Projects, and if anyone knows DeAnna, they know that when I pick a theme, there is always a twist, this time mine being “
When Do-It-Yourself Projects Go Wrong.” I showed everyone wonderful pictures of what a project is supposed to look like, and the disasters that ensued when people attempt them themselves. My favorite disaster was someone’s front porch looking like a murder scene after a red food coloring fiasco.
Shannon Watenpaugh, as usual, delivered a beautiful story from the Storytelling Manual of how the Sparkling Fire Owl got its name. Shannon was timid, Shannon was brave, Shannon was soft-spoken, Shannon was intimidating. Shannon also did not use notes. Shannon, how come you’re not a writer? How come you’re not an actress?
Table Topics was great. The winner, Judy Perez, won with a story of how after looking at a DIY show once on building a bench led to her, from her own imagination and common sense, to create a bench and update a chair. We can learn so much about our fellow Toastmasters just from Table Topics.
I had a great time, the members and two guests had a great time, and I think we all were entertained by everyone’s participation. A guest comment was, “This meeting was a lot more fun and jocular than I expected!”
I’ll see you all next week!
Photo Credit:
Victor W. via
Compfight cc