Monday, March 31, 2014

What a Day for Top of Texas!

March 29th was quite eventful for Top of Texas!  Our weekly meeting was low in attendance, but still fun and interesting as always.  A few of us even doubled our duties!  Sandra gave a speech on the changes she has made through her journey with Toastmasters and how she motivates herself to make changes in her life.  I spoke about my trip to Europe and gave some tips on how to make the best of your visit.

The Area 14 Tall Tales and International Speech Contests were held in the afternoon.  Many of us were there to support our club's contestants, Aparna Valluri and DeAnna Wolf.  Both ladies took first place!  Aparna won the International Speech contest and DeAnna won the Tall Tales contest.  Both will go on to compete this Saturday in the Division A contest at the Fort Worth Arts Center!  For more information on the Division A contest, please click here.

On top of to our first place contest winners, our club also won three Outstanding Officers Awards: DeAnna Wolf for Outstanding President, Jeff Wright for Outstanding VP Public Relations, and Aparna Valluri for Outstanding VP Education.

Lina Choun, TM

Photo credit: Sandra Price

1 comment:

  1. Love it. Great pictures. Aparna and DeAnna are so color coordinated. Noticed some new faces on the group picture. Nice.
