Friday, January 24, 2014

Adding Toastmaster Goals To New Year's Resolutions

This past weekend I attended the Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) for Officer and Judges' Training! This was my first time at TLI. I gained some great tips for being Top of Texas' new Secretary for the January - June term. The Judges' Training session was informative and taught me all the different considerations that are used to judge speeches. I also enjoyed hearing about the different speech and club experiences from members across the District.

Earlier this month I gave a speech on the benefits of yoga and shared with the group that I would like to start practicing yoga this year. After the morning at TLI and reading Marshall's "Made to be Broken" post, I've added professional and Toastmaster specific goals to my list of new year's resolutions! Being in Toastmasters is helping me work towards my goal of being more comfortable as a speaker and in networking situations.  As the Secretary for this term, I look forward to being a more active member and improving my leadership skills. I think all the members of Top of Texas will be great motivators to keep me on track to reach my goals. Everyone is incredibly encouraging and positive.

The end of January draws near and I can't wait to see what everyone brings to the table at the Top of Texas Toastmasters meetings for the year!

Lina Choun

Photo Credit: ScoRDS via Compfight cc

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